jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

¡Hello guys!

In this link https://sites.google.com/utp.edu.co/yess you will find a Site where you can practice the listening and reading skills of English.

Welcome to EnglishFun.

By: Yesenia Niño Rey 
       Laura María Ramírez Marín

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

Exercises to practice


I uploaded some exercises to practice English. You can find these in the pages: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Vocabulary, in this blog.

I hope that you enjoy practice English with me.

Happy weekend.

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

Audio Learnenglish.com


I am going to describe to my friend

She is beautiful. She has a short and blonde hair. She has brown eyes. She has a red mouth and she has fair skin. 


Audio - Describe to my friend